PANTHA REI massage

Preventive method that helps detoxify the body and eliminate excess water in the intercellular space. Wellness travel enriched with natural oils and aimed at stimulating the unobstructed flow of lymph to venous circulation, from where it is pushed towards the heart, which detoxifies the body, and the swollen extremities return to normal. The massage lasts 90 minutes.

Wellness relaxing ritual aimed at alleviating and preventing the symptoms of swollen tissue, pain, and feeling of anxiety, improves circulation, lymphotics, and therefore acts positively on the general state of the organism and strengthens natural immunity. The massage lasts 45 minutes.

Has an anti-age effect aimed at a beautiful and quality skin, after several treatments without the application of oil or cream, the skin of the face becomes soft and tense, and the effects are wrinkling on the face, reduction of the sub-fold and the bags around the eyes. The massage lasts 15 minutes.


Unforgettable wellness experience enriched with aromatherapy and phytotherapy effects of ground fresh herbs (lavender, rosemary, chimpanzee, ginger, sea salt) and warm natural oils used in combination with various massage techniques aimed at harmonizing the movement of vital energy, relaxation and detoxification of the organism, and improving skin core and relaxation of the muscles. Indulge yourself with the magical experience of this superb wellness ritual that nourishes your skin in a luxurious and sophisticated way, starting your body, from the head, neck and scalp, front and back to the feet. A warm recommendation is to indulge yourself in this unusual royal ritual. The massage lasts 90 minutes.


Holistic wellness ritual featuring elements of anti age facial massage, reflexotherapy and acupressure facial massage and Indian scalp massage, as well as lymphatic drainage. Special preparation starts with breathing elements and shiatsu and yoga thai elements of relaxation of all joints of the body, especially the head, neck and shoulders, followed by a rich and comprehensive treatment with a specially created palette of high quality products based on plant hyaluron and Colomung oil (protein from the South American shell beans with strong antiage effect – remarkable skin refreshing treatment, improvement of the core and elevation of muscle tone of the face and neck, and prevention of signs of the age of the skin of the face and neck. With the help of a maderotherapy set this journey to the center of itself becomes magical.


A luxurious spa ritual that returns energy by the power of marine rocks (special crystals). During the ritual, Thalgo is the exclusive line of body care cosmetics, which includes three stages: 120 minutes of swimming, body scrubbing and body massage, inspired by the colorful beaches of the Atlantic and the healing marine oligoelements. Spa ritual lasts 120 minutes and costs 61,36 EURO. Vip Ritual The jewel of the ocean for two people (the ritual is performed in the VIP area).The ritual lasts 120 minutes.


This procedure is a blend of Scandinavian warm-cold therapy and elements of Swedish and deep tissue massage techniques focused at relaxation of the body and stress relief. Benefits of warm and cold therapy are complemented by a combination of manual massage techniques and pressure with special massage balls that remove fatigue, stress, relax the muscles and harmonise the body. This treatment is ideal for those who are under a lot of stress, who sit a lot, for managers and athletes. The procedure lasts for 120 minutes.


Thalgo algae balm is a combination of supreme care, rehydration and detoxification of the whole-body skin and, if the client wishes so, we can offer a gift: a hydrating face mask made of sea algae. This comprehensive treatment encompasses sea salt and natural oil scrub, wrapping with plasma gel and algae and body care by Thalgo luxury nutritious body milk for the complete revitalisation, glow, smoothness and revive of moisture in the client’s skin. The procedure lasts for 50 minutes.